The EU organized youth days on 11 and 12 October 2022, where a series of youth-oriented events called EU4Youth Days, took place. The DualAFS project was chosen to be presented and have a stand in House of Europe. The activity was opened by EU Ambassador Christine Hohmann, who along with the delegation visited all the participants’ stands. At this activity, high school students, university students and young professionals participated and and interact with all representatives. The activity was organised in four informing sessions (i) studies in the European Union, (ii)mobility and exchange programmes, (ii) Research, innovation, EU assistance programmes for innovative studies; (iii) youth employment, social inclusion, membership and equal opportunities, (iV) contacts with persons after the European year for Youth & Tirana-Capital for European youth.

Prof. Lumturi Papa, Prof. Anila Hoda, Prof. Enkelejda Sallaku participated in the event, who informed interested parties on the study programmes reorganized within this project, the possibilities of theoretical and especially practical education of young people, as well as employment opportunities. The information became known not only among the DualAFS poster, but also through the presentation on PPT, where participants were informed about the project partners, investments made towards the creation of hybrid classrooms and the improvement of teaching laboratories at AUT in the frame of the DualAFS project, financed with EU funds under the Erasmus Plus programme, “Capacity Building”. Participants were informed with trainings done by Hannu Vitala for the use of e-learning and distance learning tools, as a need of time, which is already a reality at AUT.
The participants were also informed of the possibilities of practical education, through “learning by doing” that offer our study programs, as well as specifically for the possibility of conducting one semester studies at SAVONIA University of applied sciences, Finland
EU Ambassador Christine Hohmann, during the stop at the DualAFS stand, praised the investment in the education of young people, in the agricultural sciences, their orientation according to the needs of the labour market and especially the use of distance learning methods, as well as highlighted the time of digital agriculture.