Hannu Viitala, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Two people from each partner university participated in the training (total 8 + trainer): Pristina UNI-PR and Mitrovica UIBM in Kosovo, Tirana AUT and Korca UNIKO in Albania. The trainer was Hannu Viitala from Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

The aim of the Digimentor training was to start Digimentoring at partner universities by introducing key personnel to Digimentoring. The long-term goal is that in a few years the partner universities will have a functioning, well-organized and multi-level digital support and advise system

Digital mentoring means a system where the teacher receives guidance and support in digital problem situations at a low threshold. The teacher can also ask Digimentor for help in planning and implementing online teaching. Nowadays, IT staff are asked for help in problem situations. Digimentor acts as a link between the teacher and IT. Digimentor can solve most problems, in which case IT support is only needed in the most difficult problem situations. If necessary, the Digimentor also acts as an interpreter between the teacher and IT.
Digimentoring includes, in addition to guidance and support of digital teaching tools, testing and training, motivating users, creating customized instructions, and networking, for example, with Digimentors from other universities.

Based on the feedback from the participants of the Digimentor training, the first goal of the training was fulfilled, which also lays the foundation for the realization of the long-term goal. The participants report to the management of their own university and faculty and to their colleagues about Digimentor training and actively strive to promote the introduction and development of digitization at their own university. This development will improve the quality of teaching, which will materialize as an increase in the number of students in the future.