Baseline Study Report (text, downloads & links)

DualAFS Baseline study

Overview: For the design of a Dual program, all issues related to the collaboration between the university and the Work Life Partners (WLP) must be developed, since a Dual program means a combination of classroom theory and company-based apprenticeship.

In order to reorganize the current bachelor’s degree programs in livestock and agribusiness in the dual form, an empirical study was conducted with the quantitative method using structured questionnaires. Three target groups were identified in Albania and Kosovo: farms, agri-food public institutions, and academic target groups, respectively. The questionnaires focused on the required skills of the graduates and on the cooperation between the university and WLP in the implementation of the dual degree program in agriculture. The questionnaires were offered online using the program Webropol 3.0. A total of 919 completed questionnaires were returned; valid: 150 from companies, 144 from public institutions, and 267 from students/teachers of the respective programs of the four universities in both countries. The data were statistically analyzed using the program Webropol 3.0.

The results of this survey show that all target groups, especially the WLP, give great importance first on practical training, and then on the IT, communication and business skills of graduates. In addition, all WLPs declare their willingness to participate in the implementation of dual studies together with the universities. For this, the WLPs advocate support from the state in the form of various incentives as well as clear legal regulation.

Detailed information, results are found here.

Life Long Learning (text information, downloads, links)

Development of LLL, extensions service and knowledge & technology transfer at the HEIs of AL and XK, practically represent the „Third mission“ of modern universities and very important bridges of cooperation between universities and the economy, specifically in agriculture and food, and labour market. These functions also serve, directly and indirectly, to increase the quality of the academic offer of the universities, the theoretical education and practical skills of the students, as well as the level of teaching and research of the universities. Therefore, building the capacities of HEIs of the partner countries to fulfil these „Third Mission“ functions is an important strategy to strengthen the role of HEIs in the development of these important sectors of the economy ( agriculture, livestock and animal-origin food quality and safety). Especially since DAS of AUT/AL and DBAP of UPHP/XK are unique university units with their roles in offering teaching, research, LLL, extension/consulting and technology transfer in the field of livestock and animal production in AL and XK.



More information about the LLL unit at DAS, AUT can be found here.

The strategy for LLL unit at Fan S. Noli University, Albania

The strategy for LLL unit at University “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, KosovaCourses for LLL at UPHP

The strategy for LLL unit at University “Isa Boletini”, Mitrovica, Kosova;